Denna Orgalime-guide ger information om hur den nationella produktansvarslagstiftningen i följande 16 europeiska länder slår mot en leverantör av defekta produkter: Belgien, Danmark, Finland, Frankrike, Italien, Nederländerna, Norge, Polen, Schweiz, Slovenien, Spanien, Storbritannien, Sverige, Tjeckien, Tyskland och Österrike.
För vart och ett av länderna ges svar på följande nio frågor:
- What is the definition of a defective product according to your national law?
- Which liability does the supplier of a defective product have to bear according to your national law? Does the supplier have to bear the full cost for remedying the defect?
- How long is the liability period according to your national law?
- In which cases is the liability period interrupted/suspended? What are the consequences?
- Does a new liability period start to run if parts have been repaired during the original liability period?
- Does your national law provide for a right of recourse from the distributor towards the supplier/producer? If so, is this rule mandatory or not?
- Does your national law allow for a reduction in the liability period?
- In which cases is a limitation of liability not permitted by your national law?
- Give examples of frequently used clauses on liability for defective products in your country.
Se även innehållsförteckning.